All Indicators

Education: Access to Quality Slots for Infants and Toddlers
The number of publicly funded, high-quality, licensed slots in child care settings for children ages 3 months to two years, expressed as a percentage of the number of children ages 0 to 2. High-quality is defined as a slot with a 3-star rating from Arkansas' Better Beginnings program, at a Head Start center, or funded by the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) program.
Education: Access to Quality Child Care Slots for Preschoolers
The number of publicly funded, high-quality, licensed slots for children ages 3 or 4, expressed as a percentage of the number of children ages 3 or 4. High-quality is defined as a slot with a 3-star rating from Arkansas' Better Beginnings program, at a Head Start center, or funded by the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) program.
Education: Grade 3 Reading
The percentage of students scoring as proficient ("Ready" or "Exceeding") on the ACT Aspire 3rd grade reading exam.
Education: Grade 8 Math
The percentage of students scoring as proficient ("Ready" or "Exceeding") on the Grade 8 ACT Aspire math exam.
Education: Graduation Rate
The number of students graduating after four years of high school, expressed as a percentage of their cohort. A cohort is a class of ninth-graders beginning high school in the same academic year.
Education: Remediation Rate
The share of entering first-year students seeking an associate's degree or higher at an Arkansas public college or university who were placed and enrolled in developmental level (remedial) coursework in English, math, or reading.
Education: Adults with a High School Degree
The percentage of adults with at least a high school degree. This includes adults with higher degrees, such as bachelor's or master's.
Education: Adults with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher
The percentage of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher.
Education: Adults Pursuing Further Education
The share of working-age adults (25-64) who are pursuing post-secondary education (including certificates of proficiency, technical certificates, associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, and graduate study) in Arkansas universities.
Education: Imagination Libraries
The share of children ages 0 to 5 enrolled in Arkansas Imagination Library (ARIL), which provides books for children 0 to 5 across all 75 counties in Arkansas.
Health: Low Birth Weight Babies
The number of babies born with low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or about 5.5 pounds) expressed as a percentage of all live births.
Health: Early Prenatal Care
The number of births to women who initiated prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), expressed as a percentage of all live births.
Health: Overweight or Obese Students
The percentage of students who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is at or above the 85th percentile for their age and gender. The index is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. Children are considered overweight if their BMI is at or above the 85th percentile for their age and gender, and they are considered obese at or above the 95th percentile.
Health: Overweight or Obese Adults
The percentage of adults who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 25. The index is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. A person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and those with a BMI over 30 are considered obese.
Health: Physically Inactive Adults
The percentage of adults who did not engage in leisure-time physical activity within the past 30 days, such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking, as reported through a national survey.
Health: Smoking Rate
The percentage of adults in a region who currently smoke cigarettes.
Health: Insurance Coverage Rates
The percentage of adults who are covered by some form of health insurance, including public programs such as Medicaid and Medicare.
Health: Oral Health
The percentage of adults who visited a dentist or dental clinic in the past year.
Health: Life Expectancy
Life expectancy at birth (reported in years) reflects the expected average years of life for a group of infants born in a particular year.
Health: Routine Check-ups
The percentage of adults in a region who had a routine medical checkup within the past two years.
Health: Overdose Deaths
Deaths due to drug overdoses, expressed as a rate per 100,000 residents.
Families: Teen Births
The number of babies born to females between ages 15 and 19, expressed as a rate per 1,000 females in this age range.
Families: Children Living in Poverty
The number of children under 18 who live below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Families: People Living in Poverty
The percentage of residents with incomes below the federal poverty level. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Families: Elderly Living in Poverty
The percentage of people over the age of 65 with incomes below the federal poverty level. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the poverty threshold for two people aged 65 and older with no children was $17,689.
Families: Median Household Income
Median household income, in 2022 dollars. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Families: Unemployment Rate
Unemployed individuals are those without jobs who are able, available, and actively seeking work. The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the total labor force (the total number of employed and unemployed individuals 16 or older and not living in prisons, mental hospitals or nursing homes).
Families: Homeownership Rate
The percentage of all occupied housing units (not vacant) that are owner-occupied (not rented).
Families: Child Abuse and Neglect
The number of children in reports of maltreatment or abuse of children under age 18 found to be true, expressed as a rate per 1,000 children.
Families: Access to Financial Services
The percentage of households that have neither a checking nor savings account (unbanked) or have an account but instead relied on alternative financial services (underbanked) in the past 12 months.
Families: Food Insecurity
The percentage of households that lack access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and/or experience limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods.
Families: Food Deserts
The share of census tracts in an area that are food deserts.
Families: Homelessness
The number of homeless people at a given point in time (usually one night in January), per 10,000 residents.
Families: Change in Total Jobs
The net growth or decline in total jobs, shown as a percentage gain or loss from the previous year.
Families: Cost of Homeownership
The median home value divided by the median household income, adjusted for inflation.
Families: Households Below ALICE Threshold
The percent of households below the ALICE threshold. ALICE is an acronym for "Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed."
Families: Overall Housing Cost Burden
The share of housing units with people paying 30% or more of their income in rent or ownership costs.
Families: Child Care Costs for Toddlers
The cost of child care per day for toddlers in Arkansas.
Families: Medical Debt
The share of people with medical debt in collections, more specifically, the share of people with a credit bureau record who have medical debt in collections.
Families: Households Receiving SNAP
The share of households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, formerly called food stamps.
Families: Incarceration Rate
The number of people incarcerated in prisons or jails, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents.
Community: Voter Participation Rate
The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) who voted in an election.
Community: Charitable Giving
Contributions to charitable organizations, measured as a percentage of income.
Community: Volunteering
The percentage of residents who volunteered during a one-year period.
Community: Group Participation
The percentage of residents who have participated in a group of some kind during the last 12 months. These groups include service organizations, neighborhood associations, religious organizations, and others.
Community: Connection to Neighbors
The percentage of residents that report talking to their neighbors every day or a few times a week.
Community: Local Voting
The percentage of residents who report always voting in local elections.
Demographics: Change in Population
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area since 2010.
Demographics: Change in Population by Race/Ethnicity
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area since 2008-12, broken down by racial and ethnic groups
Demographics: Change in Population by Age
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area since 2008-12, broken down by age groups.
Racial Equity: Remediation Rate
The share of entering first-year students seeking an associate's degree or higher at an Arkansas public college or university who were placed and enrolled in developmental level (remedial) coursework in English, math, or reading.
Racial Equity: Adults with a High School Degree
The percentage of adults with at least a high school degree. This includes adults with higher degrees, such as bachelor's or master's.
Racial Equity: Adults with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher
The percentage of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher.
Racial Equity: Adults Pursuing Further Education
The share of working-age adults (25-64) who are pursuing post-secondary education (including certificates of proficiency, technical certificates, associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, and graduate study) in Arkansas universities.
Racial Equity: Low Birth Weight Babies
The number of babies born with low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or about 5.5 pounds) expressed as a percentage of all live births.
Racial Equity: Early Prenatal Care
The number of births to women who initiated prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), expressed as a percentage of all live births.
Racial Equity: Overweight or Obese Students
The percentage of students who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is at or above the 85th percentile for their age and gender. The index is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. Children are considered overweight if their BMI is at or above the 85th percentile for their age and gender, and they are considered obese at or above the 95th percentile.
Racial Equity: Overweight or Obese Adults
The percentage of adults who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 25. The index is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. A person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and those with a BMI over 30 are considered obese.
Racial Equity: Physically Inactive Adults
The percentage of adults who did not engage in leisure-time physical activity within the past 30 days, such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking, as reported through a national survey.
Racial Equity: Smoking Rate
The percentage of adults in a region who currently smoke cigarettes.
Racial Equity: Insurance Coverage Rates
The percentage of adults who are covered by some form of health insurance, including public programs such as Medicaid and Medicare.
Racial Equity: Oral Health
The percentage of adults who visited a dentist or dental clinic in the past year.
Racial Equity: Life Expectancy
Life expectancy at birth (reported in years) reflects the expected average years of life for a group of infants born in a particular year.
Racial Equity: Routine Check-ups
The percentage of adults in a region who had a routine medical checkup within the past two years.
Racial Equity: Teen Births
The number of babies born to females between ages 15 and 19, expressed as a rate per 1,000 females in this age range.
Racial Equity: Children Living in Poverty
The number of children under 18 who live below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Racial Equity: People Living in Poverty
The percentage of residents with incomes below the federal poverty level. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Racial Equity: Elderly Living in Poverty
The percentage of people over the age of 65 with incomes below the federal poverty level. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the poverty threshold for two people aged 65 and older with no children was $17,689.
Racial Equity: Median Household Income
Median household income, in 2022 dollars. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Racial Equity: Unemployment Rate
Unemployed individuals are those without jobs who are able, available, and actively seeking work. The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the total labor force (the total number of employed and unemployed individuals 16 or older and not living in prisons, mental hospitals or nursing homes).
Racial Equity: Homeownership Rate
The percentage of all occupied housing units (not vacant) that are owner-occupied (not rented).
Racial Equity: Child Abuse and Neglect
The number of children in reports of maltreatment or abuse of children under age 18 found to be true, expressed as a rate per 1,000 children.
Racial Equity: Access to Financial Services
The percentage of households that have neither a checking nor savings account (unbanked) or have an account but instead relied on alternative financial services (underbanked) in the past 12 months.
Racial Equity: Food Insecurity
The percentage of households that lack access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and/or experience limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods.
Racial Equity: Homelessness
The number of homeless people at a given point in time (usually one night in January), per 10,000 residents.
Racial Equity: Cost of Homeownership
The median home value divided by the median household income, adjusted for inflation.
Racial Equity: Medical Debt
The share of people with medical debt in collections, more specifically, the share of people with a credit bureau record who have medical debt in collections.
Racial Equity: Households Receiving SNAP
The share of households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, formerly called food stamps.
Racial Equity: Incarceration Rate
The number of people incarcerated in prisons or jails, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents.
Racial Equity: Change in Population by Race/Ethnicity
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area since 2008-12, broken down by racial and ethnic groups
